Friday, May 24, 2013

Start Small

When it comes to improving your leadership skills, lists of attributes and behaviors frequently aren't that helpful because they create analysis paralysis -- you simply can't keep all the advice in your head.  So, when you find a good list of guidelines, don't try to implement the whole list at once; choose one relatively small behavior to work on.

For example, "Be a good coach", includes two specific items: "provide specific, constructive feedback, balancing the negative and the positive" and "have regular one-on-ones, presenting solutions to problems tailored to your employee's specific strengths".  The general rule of  "Be a good coach" is too broad to tackle, but either of the specific items is a good place to start.  You should aim for a behavior to work on that you think you could practice and master in a matter of weeks.  Systematically work on items one at a time until you have mastered everything on the list.  Just like the tortoise, slow and steady wins this race.